SPRING HOWDY PARTY – Volunteer Spring


When: January 22: 6 pm – 9 pm

Where: Bluebonnet Ballroom of the UT Arlington University Center. (map)

You are invited to the BIG HOWDY PARTY to welcome international students to UTA!


This is the culmination of the Big Howdy Events. The other events offer opportunities to invite students to this event. This is a large party where all the Christian Organizations working with the international students officially welcome the students. Churches and organizations provide the food. We also have a sort of cultural dance where we try to show them western dancing and they show us their sort. All the Christian organizations are recognized there and relationships are formed. Last year over 350 people came. It’s a great opportunity for you and your families to be exposed to people from all over the world. It’s a blast. It helps the students to relax as “one of the crowd.” This is the very important event that seals all the festivities! We’d love your help and you will love it too.


  • People who can provide desserts and salty snacks  etc. for a total the over 900 people who will likely come. It is potluck style with each volunteer providing food for 30-60 people.
  • * You don’t have to stay but it is strongly encouraged as you get a chance to see a touch of other cultures.* Some food needs to be vegetarian as many of the Hindu Indian students (the majority) are vegetarian. Bring the food to the BSM (Big Howdy Maps) at 5:45 PM.

    * Of course people from other places like meat.

  • People who can teach western dancing and help with the entertainment,
  • Hosts/hostesses to greet people. Come around 5:30 PM
  • Runners to get stuff if we run out
  • People to decorate. Come around 5 PM.
  • People to clean up. May have to stay till 11 PM

Email us at bighowdyparty@utabighowdy.com